Health & Care

Living Gaia

Wonderful initiative collecting donations for the Huni Kuin indiginous people of Acre, Brazil to buy back their land in the Amazon rainforest.

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Amazon landpurchase project

Protecting and strengthening indigenous groups also protects the rainforest. Satellite images clearly show that only the areas inhabited by indigenous people in Brazil have experienced little deforestation.

To protect the forest and its inhabitants, we plan to enable the Huni Kuin to buy 16,800 hectares of land in the Jordão community.

The land is located between the Huni Kuin’s land and uncontacted groups being pushed back into Brazil by Peru. We want both groups to benefit from this purchase. About one third of the land to be bought has been cleared and is to be reforested. The farmland is surrounded by intact forests. We hope that the reforestation will also help the wildlife in this region to recover. A centre for dialogue and exchange is also to be established.

The Huni Kuin live in 32 villages along the rivers Jordão and Tarauacá near the village of Jordão in the state of Acre, Brazil.

Uncontacted Indigenous Groups
There are groups of the Huni Kuin people who fled across the border to Peru after first contact with rubber collectors and have been living in isolation ever since. Over the past ten years, they have been pushed back to Brazil due to the activities of large corporations on the Peruvian side.

The land to be purchased will serve as a buffer zone between the contacted and uncontacted Huni Kuin, who are relatives and friends.


What can I do?
Donate to our association account!
A donation receipt will be sent via e-mail (on request also by postal service) to you at the beginning of the next quarter. Please send your name, address, transfer date and amount by e-mail to

Living Gaia e.V.
IBAN: DE48 4306 0967 1150 1986 00
Keyword: Amazon land purchase

or by SEPA direct debit mandate (single or recurring payment)

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